

Your Official Welcome to the Alumni Family 

Graduating students, you are invited to celebrate your accomplishments and pick up your caps and gowns at our Gradfest celebration Dec. 3 - 4 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Wick Alumni Center. Plan to stay a while, grab a snack and let us congratulate you on your success! You can also: 

  • Learn about alumni association membership and sign up at our discounted recent grad rate. Membership in the alumni association is the easiest way to stay connected to UNL. Plus, there are many benefits for you. If you join the alumni association, you’ll get an extra 10 percent off your cap and gown purchase and will receive a special gift from us.
  • Hear about all of the opportunities you have as a graduate to find a Husker community anywhere through our chapters, groups, volunteer opportunities and programs.
  • Learn about our career enrichment and mentoring opportunities. 
  • Purchase a diploma frame, class ring and other memorabilia from the University Bookstore. 
  • Write a special thank you message and have your photo taken to be shown on the big screen before commencement at the Pinnacle Bank Arena.
  • Veterans, military members and ROTC members can stop by our Connections table to receive a complimentary honor cord.

After Gradfest, regalia can be purchased at the University Bookstore in the City Campus Union. If you are unable to pick up your regalia at Gradfest or the Bookstore or if you have questions regarding your cap and gown, contact the Bookstore at 402-472-7332.