

Most college courses push students to challenge themselves academically, but each college has a few that ask students to experience the personal side of learning and push them emotionally and mentally.

By Chris Graves (’87)

We all remember that course. The one everyone warned you about in your major. The one you prepped for and then pulled all-nighters every week. Just. To. Make. It. Through.

Each college has its version of the brain benders. Google toughest college courses and the list is somewhat expected: organic chemistry, linguistics, calculus II, anatomy and physiology, quantum physics, quantum mechanics, philosophy. 

What does not routinely pop up are the emotionally challenging, mentally taxing courses that are often more nuanced. Those that strive to teach empathy, compassion and deep listening skills. Those that ask students to walk in the shoes of others to broaden their world view. Those that also challenge them to dig deep around issues of injustice, race, equity, sexuality, power and human rights.